My native town


Білімділігі: меңгерген жаңа сөздерді сөйлемде дұрыс пайдалана білуге, сұрақтарға жүйелі жауап беруге үйрету.Тыңдаушылардың туған қаласы туралы білімдерін кеңейту, өз ойын жеткізе білуге үйрету, үштұғырлы тіл саясатын қолдау.

Дамытушылығы: есте сақтау, дұрыс сөйлеу, қатесіз жазу қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелігі: отанға, туған жерге деген сүйіспеншілігін арттыру; ұжымдылыққа тәрбиелеу.

Сабақ көрнекілігі: компьютер, интерактивті тақта, парақшалар. «My Native Town» тақырыбы бойынша презентациялар (slides).

The Procedure of the lesson:                                                                                                I. Organization moment. Greeting.                                                                             

Teacher: Good afternoon dear listeners and guests! Balkhash is our native place, our Motherland.We live in one of the most beautiful places of Kazakhstan. Do you agree? As you know, our town is 75 years this year. And up to this anniversary we are going to tell you at our lesson about Balkhash, about its Past and Present. Today we want to devote competition for Balkhash. It is called “ My  Native Town”.

My native land and people living here

We help each other feeling hearts with pride

Your helping hand we`d like to feel and hear

The streams of hope running deep and wide.

My land, my nearest motherland

I`d like to tell you “I love you”

Your fields of crops, your sunny meadows

Your all year round flowers too.


Teacher: Let me tell about competition’s rules. The first stage is Visit card, the second stage is — Who is the first? The third stage is to speak about Great people from Balkhash. The fourth stage is Proverbs. The fifth stage is Description. The sixth stage is Motherland. The seventh stage is Presentations.                                                       Let’s divide into 2 teams, the first team is Space crew and the second team is Ak zhelken.

Teacher: The first stage is Visit card. 2 captains from each team will take part in this stage. They should originally present the team. 3 minutes for this task.

Teacher: The next title of our stage is “Who is the first?» Words will appear at IP board.







To border on





To locate                                                                                                                       The aim of this task – to translate words into Kazakh and Russian languages. And to build sentences with these words by theme “Town”.  This task is for the team. The time of this stage is 3 minutes.

Teacher: The third stage is Great people from Balkhash. 2 great people` photos will appear at IP board. Their life and activity was connected with Balkhash town. Your task is to tell about these persons. Who are these persons? What do you know about them? This task is for the team. 3 minutes for this task.                                                                                                                Чебукина Елена Васильевна — заслуженный мастер спорта СССР по волейболу, чемпионка Олимпийских игр. She is a deserved master of volleyball sport, a champion of Olympic Games.

Жиров, Василий Валерьевич — боксёр, чемпион IBF в первом тяжёлом весе. Чемпион Олимпийских игр. He is a boxer, a champion of Olympic Games.

Teacher: The following stage of measure is Proverbs about Motherland. One member of each team shall speak and translate proverbs as more as possible. 2,5 minutes for every team.                                                                                                         Teacher: The fifth part of our lesson is called “Description”. Everybody members of teams will take part in this stage. You should describe the picture. 2 minutes for your preparing, you may write down your papers. And then one member of every team should go to the blackboard and describe it 3 minutes. Total time of this stage is 5 minutes.

Teacher:  The sixth part of our lesson is Motherland. Speaking about native town you have to remember some information about our Motherland. Complete the sentences and translate them from English into Kazakh. Time of this stage is 5 minutes.                                                                                                                      1. The Republic of Kazakhstan has its own national _____, ____ and ______.

  1. The _______of the country is Astana.
  2. Kazakhstan is one of the biggest ______in the________.
  3. The ________of the Republic of Kazakhstan is strongly continental.
  4. Kazakh is the ________ __________of the country.
  5. ________is the official song of the nation.
  6. The yellow ____is framed by the ________ of the flying _________.
  7. The Republic of Kazakhstan has its own national flag, anthem and emblem.
  8. The capital of the country is Astana.
  9. Kazakhstan is one of the biggest countries in the world.
  10. The climate of the Republic of Kazakhstan is strongly continental.
  11. Kazakh is the official language of the country.
  12. Anthem is the official song of the nation.
  13. The yellow sun is framed by the wings of the flying eagle.

Teacher: The last task is home task. The theme is Presentations about Balkhash. The time of this stage is 3 minutes for every person.                                                                                           Pupil 1 – Lake Balkhash

Pupil 2 – Cultural sights

Pupil 3 – Our Factory

Pupil 4 – Famous people from Balkhash

Pupil 5 – Balkhash Past                                                                                                                     Pupil 6 – Balkhash Present


Conclusion.                                                                                                                Teacher: Dear pupils, our lesson “My native town” comes to end. Today, we talked about Balkhash. We know our town very well. Thank you for your attention. Our lesson is over! Good bye!