Modal Verbs. Sport in my life

Сабақтың тақырыбы/Тема занятия____Modal Verbs. Sport in my life. ______________________

Сабақтың түрі/Тип занятия_______combined           ______________________________________

Мақсаты/Цели занятия: 1) to get information about sport and its role in our life.

2) to develop speaking, reading, writing skills, to teach the students to express their opinions about the role of sport in our life.  3) to develop critical thinking, solving problems._________________________


— to improve speaking abilities of pupils through discussing the text;______________________________

— to improve their knowledge in grammar;___________________________________________________

Тәрбиелік /Воспитательная  — to bring-up the skill of communication;__________________________

— to bring-up the pupils’ respect to their individuality; _________________________________________

Дамытушылық /Развивающая  — to develop in outlook of the pupils;__________________________

— to train their memory; — the interest to the language by means of expressing the opinion based on the vocabulary learned; ____________________________________________________________________

Пәнаралық байланыс /МП связь__physical education,  Russian, Kazakh.   _____________________

Пәнішілік байланыс /ВП связь____English grammar_______________________________________

Көрнекілігі /Оснащение_an interactive blackboard, writing blackboard, cards, the posters etc._______  Сабақ өткізу уақыты/Время проведения90 мин., 180 мин., 270 мин.


Сабақтың логикалық құрылымы

Структурно-логическая схема и хронокарта  занятия


  1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі/Организационный момент

Greeting:                           —    Good morning!

  • Good morning teacher!
  • How are you?
  • I’m fine, and you?
  • I’m fine too, thank you, sit down please!

The report of the pupil on duty

  • Who is on duty today?
  • I’m on duty today.
  • Who is absent today?
  • All are present.
  • What date is it today?
  • What day is it today?
  • Today is __________.
  • Well, thank you, sit down please.


Today’s lesson theme is grammar material Modal Verbs. And Sport in my life. You’ll know different kind of sports, kinds of Modal Verbs, and do some more exercises, do level tasks and find out sport is important in our life. And the sports are useful for our health. We will work in 3 group. You will compete in 3 groups.





  1. Ынталандыру, негізгі білім деңгейін анықтау/Мотивация, актуализация опорных знаний

— What was your home task? I’ll check your home task. Please open your copy-books.

— Lexica-grammatical exercises. 1) To put be, have, do in the gaps.

2) Put the verbs in the correct column.


  • Warm up.

Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “A sound mind is in a sound body.” Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true to fact. At the same time a great number of people do not go in for sports. Some of them realize that sports are useful but prefer watching sport competitions on TV to going in for themselves. /translate/

Speaking. /Answer the questions./

 —  What is your favourite sport? My favourite sport is ….    

 —  Why do you like it? Because it is ……

 —  What sport do you go in for?   I prefer ……

 —  What kind of sports do you know? I know ……


  1. Жаңа сабаққа нұсқау беру/Изучение нового материала —   Grammar theme is   Modal verbs.

Модальды етістіктің түрлері: Can-істей алу, may- істей алу/рұқсат/, must-міндетті, should-ақыл кеңес бергенде                            керек, қажет.

Модальды етістіктер ешқандай әрекетті білдірмейді, олар тек қана сөздің шындыққа қатынасын ғана көрсетеді. (мүмкіншілікті, ықтималдықты, қажеттілікті).

Модальды етістіктің ерекшеліктері:

1.Модальды етістіктен кейін инфинитив “to” демеулік шылауынсыз қолданылады.

  1. Олар жекеше түрде де, көпше түрде де, жақта да ешқандай өзгеріске түспейді.

3.Сұраулы сөйлемде етістіктер бастауыштың алдында тұрады. Must I read or translate?

4.Болымсыз сөйлемде not етістіктен кейін тұрады. Not can  етістігімен бірге жазылады: cannot, can’t.

f.ex.:    Must I go there? – I mustn’t go there.

May I come in? – Yes, you may.

Can you play volleyball?- Yes, I can.

  • Work with new words. /You know all words from school.  Please write down, translate and find out the words in the picture./
  • Athlete [‘æӨli:t] спортсмен
  • Boxing [bɔksiŋ] боксировать
  • Baseball [beisbɔ:l]
  • Basketball [‘ba:skitbɔ:l]
  • Cricket [‘krikit]
  • Football [‘futbɔ:l]
  • Golf [gɔlf]
  • Gymnastics [dʒimnæsticz]
  • Horse racing [hɔ:s reisiŋ]
  • Ice hockey [‘ais hɔki]
  • Rowing [‘rəuiŋ] гребля
  • Rugby [‘rɅgbi]
  • Sailing [seiliŋ] парусное судно
  • Squash [skwɔʃ] разновидность игры в мяч
  • Swimming [swimiŋ]
  • Tennis [‘tenis]
  • Read and repeat after me. Then translate it.
  • Pupil 1, 2,3.

1-h, 2-d, 3-b, 4-I, 5-k, 6-e, 7-a, 8-c, 9-f, 10-n, 11-m, 12-l, 13-p, 14-g,  15-j, 16-o.


  1. Өздік жұмыстар/Самостоятельная работа. Level tasks.

1-Group.   Level task 1.  Put the offers on the interrogative forms.

  1. I can do the work.
  2. She must go.
  3. He may come in.
  4. He can speak English well.
  5. We must work at our project today.

Level task 2. Translate from Kazakh into English

  1. Олар сабақ үстінде қазақ  тілінде сөйлесулері керек.
  2. Менің сізбен бірге баруыма болады ма?
  3. Ол ағылшын тілінде сөйлей алады ма?
  4. Сіз менің сұрағыма жауап бере аласыз ба?
  5. Маған кіруге болады ма?

Level task 3.  Listen to the text. Read the conversation and type the correct verbs in the gaps.

Mum: Come on, Alice. You  ________________  hurry up.

Alice: I’m ready. I __________ phone Jamie, and he talked and talked. That’s why I’m a bit late.

Mum: Let’s go.  The train leaves in 20 minutes.

Alice: Just a minute. Where’s my umbrella?

Mum: You __________  take that. It’s a beautiful day.

Alice: OK. So where’s my sun hat? I _______  forget that.

Mum: Alice, we ________ leave now.

2- Group.

Level task 1.  Put the offers on the negative forms.

    1. I can do the work.
    2. She must go.
    3. He may come in.
    4. He can speak English well.
    5. We must work at our project today.

Level task 2. Translate from Kazakh into English

1.Менің сізбен бірге баруыма болады ма?

2.Ол ағылшын тілінде сөйлей алады ма?

3.Сіз менің сұрағыма жауап бере аласыз ба?

4.Маған кіруге болады ма?

  1. Маған шығуға болады ма?

Level task 3.  Listen to the text. Read the conversation and type the correct verbs in the gaps.

Mum: Come on, Alice. You  ________________  hurry up.

Alice: I’m ready. I __________ phone Jamie, and he talked and talked. That’s why I’m a bit late.

Mum: Let’s go.  The train leaves in 20 minutes.

Alice: Just a minute. Where’s my umbrella?

Mum: You __________  take that. It’s a beautiful day.

Alice: OK. So where’s my sun hat? I _______  forget that.

Mum: Alice, we ________ leave now.

3- Group.

Level task 1.  Put the offers on the affirmative forms.

1.Can I do the work?

2.She mustn’t go.

3.May he come in?

4.He can’t  speak English well.

5.Must we work at our project today?

Level task 2. Translate from Kazakh into English

1.Менің сізбен бірге баруыма болады ма?

2.Ол ағылшын тілінде сөйлей алады ма?

3.Сіз менің сұрағыма жауап бере аласыз ба?

4.Маған кіруге болады ма?

5.Маған шығуға болады ма?

Level task 3.  Listen to the text. Read the conversation and type the correct verbs in the gaps.

Mum: Come on, Alice. You  ________________  hurry up.

Alice: I’m ready. I __________ phone Jamie, and he talked and talked. That’s why I’m a bit late.

Mum: Let’s go.  The train leaves in 20 minutes.

Alice: Just a minute. Where’s my umbrella?

Mum: You __________  take that. It’s a beautiful day.

Alice: OK. So where’s my sun hat? I _______  forget that.

Mum: Alice, we ________ leave now.



5.Work in groups.

Draw a diagram. What kind of Kazakh and Britain sports do you know?

You must fill it. Hang up your posters.



Group A. We want to say about Kazakh National games. There are Kyz-kuu, Kokpar, Audaryspak.

Group B. We want to give an information about Sport in Britain. There games are Cricket, Netball etc.

Group C.   We want to say about general both sports.



Make up the dialogues in groups.


2- Group

Interviewer: So tell me, Carol, what sort of extreme sports do you do?

Carol: I like bungee jumping. It’s great, really exciting.

Interviewer: But what makes you do bungee jumping?

Carol: Well, I get nervous, you know. But when I’m jumping I feel great. It’s like being a bird.

Interviewer: Really? What about other extreme sports?

Carol: Mm, I’d love to try sky surfing, but it’s very expensive, you know.

Interviewer: Right. Are there any sports you wouldn’t try?

Carol: I’m pretty adventurous, but even I wouldn’t like to do snowrafting. There have been some terrible accidents. But I also don’t like dull sports. I hate doing boring sports. Like tennis. Personally,  I’d prefer to stay at home.

Interviewer: Oh, it’s not that bad! Thank you very much, Carol.

3- Group.

Interviewer: Jonathan, what extreme sports do you do?

Jonathan: Well, I prefer winter sports. There’s something about snow. I love going skiing. And I quite like snowboarding. It’s really cool.

Interviewer: So, why do you do it?

Jonathan: Well, as I said, I’m a snow fanatic. And I love sports where there’s speed. I can’t stand slow sports. You know, like sailing.

Interviewer: What other sports would you like to try?

Jonathan: I’d quite like to go ice diving — it sounds crazy!

Interviewer: Are there any sports you wouldn’t like to try?

Jonathan: Oh yeah. I can’t stand heights. I’d hate to do bungee jumping. It looks absolutely terrifying.

Interviewer: It certainly does. Right, Jonathan, thank you very much.

  1. Алған білімін қолдану/Применение полученных знаний

Definition. Can you guess what sports and games are described here?

the sport of fighting with fists;

the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;

the sport of one who swims;

the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;

a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;

the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;

the sport of going on horseback;

a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field.


  1. boxing;
  2. sailing;
  3. swimming;
  4. rugby;
  5. tennis;
  6. rowing;
  7. horse racing;
  8. icy hoсkey;


  1. Үйге тапсырма/Домашнее задание Make up the dialogue.
  2. Білімін бағалау,түсіндіру/Выставление оценок и комментарий Our lesson has come to its end. We’ve turned our thoughts to sport in our life. And I think you will agree with me that sport plays an important role in our life. It is useful, exciting. Students, you all have worked hard at the lesson.  You get 5. Thank you very much. 


Оқытушының қолы/ Подпись преподавателя: __________________________________