Тақырып: Законодательство в РК

Тақырып:                 Законодательство в РК

Мақсат: знакомство с системой правления РК.

Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері

  1. Учить чтению текстов и беседе на английском языке на общественно-политическую тематику;
  2. Повторить лексический материал по теме «Политика», закрепить употребление;
  3. Расширять кругозор учащихся, познания в области политики;
  4. Развивать навыки чтения, устной речи с использованием политической лексики;
  5. Воспитывать казахстанский патриотизм, уважение к Конституции РК, политическому строю государства.

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар интерактивная доска, Флипчарт 11-3-37, ИУМК 11 кл., тексты Конституции РК

Сабақ түрі   комбинированный

Әдіс-тәсілдер  словесные, наглядные, работа с интерактивной доской.

Сабақ барысы:

  1. Warm-up.
  2. Brainstorming: (Activboard)

A crossword puzzle. Guess the word.

L            5
B            1aL             7D           9
eS            3S           4mgc
aL              2itaiS              8lE           10
kazakH           6stan


  1. Перерыв, перемена
  2. Закон
  3. Размер
  4. Законодательный акт Парламента
  5. Законодатель
  6. Глава
  7. Законодательный
  8. Стабильный
  9. Провозглашать
  10. Громадный
  11. Giving the plan of the lesson:
  12. The Kazakhstan Government
  13. Legislative Branch
  14. Executive Branch
  15. The President. The Museum of the First President
  16. Judicial Branch
  17. The R.K. Constitution
  18. The President’s Duties
  19. Reflection


  1. Speaking about the Government (Flipchart 1)
  2. Speaking about the legislative branch (Flipchart 2)
    1. The Majilis shall consist of 107 deputies. 98 shall be elected in constituencies, 9 — elected from the Assembly of the Peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    2. The Senate shall be composed of 2 deputies from each oblast, major city and the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 15 deputies are appointed by the President.

Elections take place every 3 years, ½ (one second) of members are replaced. The deputy may not be younger than 30 years old and is elected for a six-year term.


  1. The Executive branch. (Flipchart 3)

The President shall be elected by universal voting for a five-year term.

He can be elected for only 2 terms in a row. The powers of the President are enormous, but still they are limited by the Parliament. Regular elections of the President shall be held on the first Sunday of December. The inauguration — on the 2nd Wednesday of January.

A President can be a person who is not younger than 40 years old, not less than 15 years  resident of the R.K., has a perfect command of the state language.


  1. The President: the biography. (Flipchart 4)

Born in 1940 in the village Chemolgan near Alma-Ata In 1960 he graduated from college in Dneprodzerzhinsk, worked as a metallurgist in Temirtau. In 1972 became the second secretary of Karaganda regional Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1984 he was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR.

In September 1989, Nazarbayev was elected chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic. In March 1990, became President of Kazakhstan.

 December 1, 1991 Nazarbayev was elected president of Kazakhstan, having received almost 99% of votes. December 16, 1991, Kazakhstan was proclaimed an independent republic.

 Nazarbayev proposed economic program under which the country  by 2015 would have a democratic political system and a dynamic ‘mixed’ economy.

In January 1999, Nazarbayev was reelected for a second seven-year presidential term, it receives about 80% of voters.


  1. The information about the Museum of the First President (Flipcharts 5-7)
  2. Comprehension check (Flipchart 8) Put the number into the right column, explain it.

Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — is the museum of the newest history of Kazakhstan. It is created in 2004; the first visitors have come to the museum on March 2005.

Basic idea is the formation of the national sovereignty of republic and the historical role of its first President N.A.Nazarbayev in the building of the independent democratic state.

Museum collection is organized in four funds and has 111 831 items. The number of museum fund is 7 201 units. The Library fund has 12 438 books. Archives fund has 92 192 units.

Hall of «Silver hall». Exposure «Public recognition of the merits of N.A.Nazarbayev»

Dome hall — is one of the largest and beautiful hall of the Residences. The height of the dome is 14,5 meters.

In this hall on December 10, 1997, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced that a new capital city of our state would be Akmola.

3 floor. Hall. Exposure «Symbols of state of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Exposure the «Symbols of state» completes theme «Independent Kazakhstan». Main attributes of political independence and sovereignty of Republic of Kazakhstan are represented here: Flag, Coat of arms, Hymn and Constitution.


  1. The Judicial branch.
  2. The Constitution of the R.K.

We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historic fate, creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land, considering ourselves a peace-loving and civil society, dedicated to the ideas of freedom, equality and concord, wishing to take a worthy place in the world community realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations, proceeding from our sovereign right, accept this Constitution.


  1. The structure of the Constitution (Flipchart 11)
  2. Article 9. (Flipchart 12)
  3. Word Revision. Find the translation to the word. (Flipcharts 13, 14)


  1. Speaking about the President’s duties (Flipchart 15). Read the text of Ex. 18p.104. Complete the chart.







  1. Test.
  2. Questions to discuss:
  3. Who makes laws in Kazakhstan?
  4. What do you know about the Constitution of Kazakhstan?
  5. Who might be elected to the Parliament?

Жеке оқушыларға озық тапсырма беру topic “Policy”.

Үйге тaпсырма беру    Ex.12.p. 109- to read and translate the text