Лондонға саяхат

Лондонға саяхат 

Мақсаты:                                                                                                                           1.Британдықтардың ұлттық салт-дәстүрі жөнінде білімді кеңейту.                        2.Тыңдаушылардың сөздік қорын толықтыру, олардың есте сақтау, ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту.                                                                                                        3.Ағылшын халқының мәдениетіне қызығушылық тудыра отырып, олардың салт-дәстүрлерін білуге, жауапкершілікке, ұжымдылыққа тәрбиелеу.                                                                  Көрнекілігі: слайд, кестелер, Ұлыбританияның картасы.                                         The procedure of the lesson:                                                                                             I. Organization moment. Greeting.                                                                       Teacher: Good day dear listeners and guests! We congratulate you on “Day of the Languages”. “Language is a new window to the world”. Every language is a part of mental heritage of all people and every culture is invaluable holding in international civilization.                                                                                                    Our theme is “Travel to London”. According to the message President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev our lesson will conduct in 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.                                                                                                        We are going to travel to London today and we are at the plane now. Let`s invite our stewardess.                                                                                                      Pupil 1. Stewardess: Good afternoon dear passengers!                                                                              Today we shall speak about Great Britain. Great Britain has always been a country of rich history, traditions and country of free people. If you are ready we shall begin our lesson with the trip. We are at the airport.                                                      We begin our flight. My name is Symbat. I represent the English company. Take your seats, please. Do not move before flying up and down. Fasten your belts, please. Have a nice trip! We welcome you to London. It is one of the largest cities in the world. About nine million people live here in London is more than two thousand years old. London`s famous sights are Tower of Bridge, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul`s Cathedral. You will see all these places and much more of London from our red double-decker. We start from Trafalgar Square. One of the most famous clock in the world. The Royal Church is Westminster Abbey.                                                                                                            Have a nice trip, dear passengers! If you need my help, you can call me.                         A dialogue between two passengers:                                                                                  Pupil 2: You are from Kazakhstan, aren`t you? I am thinking of going to Great Britain for a vacation.                                                                                                        Pupil 3: Yes, I am. You are always welcome.                                                                Pupil 2: When is a good time to go? And what`s the climate of Great Britain? Pupil 3: From November to March the weather is very cold and wet. But if you go from May to August, the weather is nice. If you go to London in October, you can see the following scene. (Scene for Halloween)                                                              Pupil 2: I have never thought that it is so interesting. What else do you know about holiday of Great Britain?                                                                                               Pupil 3: When I was in England last time, my English friends prepared national English tea for me. (Scene with tea)                                                                                Pupil 2: It was interesting. What traditions also do you know?                                     Pupil 3: It is an interesting question. The most widely spread holiday is Valentine`s Day. It is celebrated all over the world.                                                       Pupil 2: Yes, it is my favourite day in the year. I would like to see this holiday. (Scene for Valentine`s Day)                                                                                             Pupil 3: What sights would you recommend me to visit?                                              Pupil 2: I advise you to visit Tower of Bridge, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul`s Cathedral.                                                                                                              Pupil 3: Are hotels expensive?                                                                                        Pupil 2: The big ones are expensive, but you can stay at smaller ones. They are quite cheap.                                                                                                                      Pupil 3: That`s not too bad. And do you think 10 days would be long enough to spend there?                                                                                                                     Pupil 2: Oh, yes, you can see plenty in 10 days.                                                            Pupil 1. Stewardess: Our company thanks you very much! We arrive to London. Teacher: To remember these traditions, we suggest you to hold the quiz. Let`s divide into two teams.                                                                                                        The next stages of our lesson will be as a competition.                                                      1) The first stage of measure is puzzle. The main word is “Tradition”. The theme is Great Britain. Time of competition is 5 minutes.                                                                2) The next title of our stage is “Who is the first?” The table will appear at IP board. The aim of this task is to find out correct equivalents in 3 languages. Time of this stage is 5 minutes.                                                                                                    3) The following stage of measure is “Proverbs”. One member of each team should speak and translate proverbs as more as possible using 3 languages. Time of competition is 5 minutes.                                                                                                   4) The other part of our lesson is called “Captain”. 2 captains from each team will take part in this game. The aim of this part is to find out English speaking countries as more as it is possible. Time of this game is 5 minutes.                                                     5) The last part of our lesson is called “Description”. 2 captains from each team will take part in this stage. They should describe the picture. Time of this stage is 5 minutes.                                                                                                                Conclusion.                                                                                                               Teacher: Dear pupils, today we talked about London and their traditions. You know them very well. You can describe them well. Thank you for your attention. Our lesson is over. Good bye!