Сабақ тақырыбы: “Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives”
Сабақ саны: 16
Сабақ тақырыбы: “Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives”
Білімділік: to teach pupils to work creating and introduce new words, to check up their knowledge on this theme.
Дамытушылық: to develop pupil’s speech in speaking, reading, writing and checking their understanding.
Тәрбиелік: to bring them up to love the subject.
Сабақтың түрі: mixed, practical and consolidation lesson
Пәнаралық байланыс: Kazakh and Russian languages.
Көрнекілігі. Pictures, cards, Activboard
Сабақтың барысы
- Ұйымдастыру бөлімі:
- a) Organization moment. b) Greeting the students c) Talking with the pupil on duty
I этап «Қызығушылықты ояту»
1) I‘ ll show the pictures of some famous people and ask the students Who are those people?
………..the best singer. …. The most popular sportsman. ……the most modern city.
…….the greatest poet. ……the most famous pop-group. …..the largest clock.
2) Unscrambled letters. The students must guess the adjectives.
1) onlg- 5) saft-
2) algre- 6) siepxnev-
3) latl- 7) ostrh-
4) ince- 8 ) uogyn
II этап «Мағынаны тану»
- Now, children let’s remember our last lesson. How we make the Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives. I’ll ask them questions and they’ll answer them. Then I’ll show them the time-table.
- Now, children make the degrees of these adjectives. I’ll give them some adjectives.
Big, noisy, nice, short, beautiful, good, important, long, clever, happy, strong, large, hot
3) Giving their own opinions.
For the first group: 1) Which is cleverer, a dog or a cat?
2) Which is more beautiful, a horse or a pig?
3) Which is bigger, an elephant or a wolf?
4) Which is smaller, a bear or a fox?
5) Which is shorter, a crocodile or a fish?
For the second group: 1) Who is the best pupil in your class?
2) Who is the tallest pupil?
3) Who is the shortest pupil?
4) Who has got the longest hair?
5) Who is the cleverest pupil?
4) Explaining the new grammar material as…….as This book is as new as that one.
5) For the first group: Translate these sentences into Kazakh.
1) My mother’s hair is as dark as mine.
2) Arman is as good as Asel at history.
3) My friend isn’t as lazy as I .
For the second group: Put these adjectives where necessary.
Difficult, beautiful, popular
- New York as…..city as London.
- Maths is as …… as English.
- Boxing is as ……as football in our country.
6) Reading the text of exercise 4 page 15 from Work book. Finding out the adjectives with the degrees of comparison.
III этап «Ой толғаныс»
I’ write some nouns and adjectives. The students must make up the story on the theme “My school” using these key words
Nouns Adjectives
School interesting
Classrooms large
Teachers clever
Lessons kind, strict, beautiful
Сабақты қорытындылау: Making the sentence with the help of these words.
Our today’s lesson was better, more interesting, more useful and more active.
Үй тапсырмасы: Exercises 1, 2 page 16 from Work book
Exercises 3, 4, 5 page 31 from Students book
Оқушыларды бағалау: Giving marks to the students. The end of the lesson
Мұхит атындағы орта жалпы білім беретін мектебі
“Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives”
Өткізген: Оразалина Ж.Ы.
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Қаратөбе 2013 жыл
Пәні: ағылшын Мұғалімі: Оразалина Ж. И
Күні: 24. 12. 2013 Сыныбы: 8 б
Сабақ саны: 30
Сабақ тақырыбы: “School problems”
Білімділік: to introduce the words on the theme, to speak about education in England and school problems; to enrich the vocabulary stock.
Дамытушылық: to develop pupil’s speech in speaking, reading, writing and checking their understanding.
Тәрбиелік: to bring them up to love the subject, to develop interest in obtaining knowledge.
Сабақтың түрі: mixed, practical and consolidation lesson
Сабақтың әдісі: method of association, critical thinking, games
Пәнаралық байланыс: Kazakh and Russian languages.
Көрнекілігі. Pictures, cards, Activboard
Сабақтың барысы
- Ұйымдастыру бөлімі:
- a) Organization moment. b) Greeting the students c) Talking with the pupil on duty
I этап «Қызығушылықты ояту»
- I‘ ll show the video on Active board and the students watch the video. Then I’ll ask them the question.
T: How do you think what are they talking about?
Ch1: They are talking about school problems.
Ch2: I think they are talking about exams
Ch:3 I think they are talking about after school activities.
T: Yes, you are right. They are talking about school problem.
Now, children today we’ll speak about school problems. First Let’s remember some words connecting with the theme of our lesson.
Try to solve the crossword.
Орта мектеп secondary
Міндетті compulsory
Демалыс holiday
Қарапайым мектеп ordinary school
Мектеп формасы school uniform
Созылу last
Бастауыш primary
Ереже rule
Жақсы баға good marks
әдебиет literature
білім education
жаңа үлгідегі мектеп modern school
II этап «Мағынаны тану»
- Presentation: Answering the questions
- When do children start going to school in Great Britain?
In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five.
- What are the types of secondary schools in England?
They are grammar schools, modern schools and comprehensive schools.
- How long does primary education last?
Primary education lasts for six years.
- What do pupils study at secondary school?
At secondary school pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Physical Training.
- What is your favourite subject?
My favourite subject is …..
- How long does every lesson last ?
Every lesson lasts for 45 minutes.
- What is our school like?
Our school is large and old.
- Do you like to wear a school uniform?
Yes , I like to wear a school uniform.
- What is the purpose of secondary schools?
Its purpose is to develop pupils abilities and prepare them for life in the modern world.
- Why do you learn English?
We learn English because it is the international language.
III. Speaking about school problems.
Text: “School problems”
School is a special place where children both gain knowledge and life experience.
Some students like school, others don’t, but they all study at school for eleven years. For students who do well in most subjects school is an attractive place. But for those who are not successful, school is boring and uninteresting. Life is full of different problems and we have some problems in our school life, too. So, let’s find out what problems we have.
Exams , tests strict teachers difficult subjects
Hated school uniform late for the lessons
Lack of new technology School problems lack of time
Old textbooks too much homework
III этап «Ой толғаныс»
I’ ll divide the class into three groups. Then the students of the first group must make up a dialogue with the help of key words .
The students of the second group must write a short essay.
The students of the third group must make up the sentences from the given words.
Сабақты қорытындылау: Making the sentence with the help of these words.
Though we have many school problems we want to go to school.
Үй тапсырмасы: I’ ll show some pictures of different school uniforms. The students must write
Оқушыларды бағалау: Giving marks to the students. The end of the lesson
Мұхит атындағы орта жалпы білім беретін мектебі
“Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives”
2) Unscrambled letters. The students must guess the adjectives.
1) onlg- 5) saft-
2) algre- 6) siepxnev-
3) latl- 7) ostrh-
4) ince- 8 ) uogyn
II этап «Мағынаны тану»
- Now, children let’s remember our last lesson. How we make the Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives. I’ll ask them questions and they’ll answer them. Then I’ll show them the time-table.
- Now, children make the degrees of these adjectives. I’ll give them some adjectives.
Big, noisy, nice, short, beautiful, good, important, long, clever, happy, strong, large, hot
3) Giving their own opinions.
For the first group: 1) Which is cleverer, a dog or a cat?
2) Which is more beautiful, a horse or a pig?
3) Which is bigger, an elephant or a wolf?
4) Which is smaller, a bear or a fox?
5) Which is shorter, a crocodile or a fish?
For the second group: 1) Who is the best pupil in your class?
2) Who is the tallest pupil?
3) Who is the shortest pupil?
4) Who has got the longest hair?
5) Who is the cleverest pupil?
4) Explaining the new grammar material as…….as This book is as new as that one.
5) For the first group: Translate these sentences into Kazakh.
1) My mother’s hair is as dark as mine.
2) Arman is as good as Asel at history.
3) My friend isn’t as lazy as I .
For the second group: Put these adjectives where necessary.
Difficult, beautiful, popular
- New York as…..city as London.
- Maths is as …… as English.
- Boxing is as ……as football in our country.
6) Reading the text of exercise 4 page 15 from Work book. Finding out the adjectives with the degrees of comparison.
III этап «Ой толғаныс»
I’ write some nouns and adjectives. The students must make up the story on the theme “My school” using these key words
Nouns Adjectives
School interesting
Classrooms large
Teachers clever
Lessons kind, strict, beautiful
Сабақты қорытындылау: Making the sentence with the help of these words.
Our today’s lesson was better, more interesting, more useful and more active.
Үй тапсырмасы: Exercises 1, 2 page 16 from Work book
Exercises 3, 4, 5 page 31 from Students book
Оқушыларды бағалау: Giving marks to the students. The end of the lesson