Тақырып: English is my favourite subject.
Тақырып: English is my favourite subject.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1.Етістіктің үш негізгі формасын қайталау; Present Perfect Tense шағын ауызша сөйлеуде пайдалануға машықтандыру. “The Evanses in New York” диалогын оқыту және осы мәтін бойынша Present Perfect шағын қолдануды жаттықтыру.
2.Оқушылардың әдебиетпен қосымша көрнекіліктерді тиімді пайдалануды үйрету
- Әдептілік ережелерін бойына сіңірген мүмкіндігінше дамыған азамат тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: “Present Perfect Tense”грамматикалық тақырыбында грамматикалық білік-дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: “Present Perfect tense”, етістіктің негізгі үш формасы грамматикалық таблицалары, жұмыс дәптері.
Сабақ түрі: Білімді тексеру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
- I. Organization moment.
- Warm up.
Talk to your partner about yourself using the following time markers and use Present Perfect.
This week
This year French
Recently I’ve studied English
Never Russian
Since/ for
III. Revising three main forms of the verb.
- Working with table
Infinitive (Base form) Past Simple Past participle
Irregular: do did done
write wrote written
hear heard heard
speak spoke spoken
Regular: visit visited visited
work worked worked
live lived lived
- 3,p.4 WB Answer the following questions using the 2nd form of the verb (Past Simple)
Questions: Answers:
When were you born? I was born….
When was your last birthday? My last birthday was on the… of …
When did you go to school? I went to school…
Where did you go to school? I went to school in …
Where did you spend your summer holidays? I spent my summer holidays in…
Who did you spend your holiday with? I spent my holidays with …
When did you get up yesterday? I got up at … o’clock yesterday.
When did you read a novel? I (never) read a novel in…
When were the last Olympic Games? The last olympic Games were in 2008.
III. Reading the dialogue and working on it.
- Vocabulary and pronunciation.
Empire State Building [‘empaiә ‘steit ,bildiŋ]
Greenwich [‘gri:nidʒ]
Chinatown [‘t∫ainәtaun]
Statue of Liberty [‘stætju: әv ‘libәti]
Helicopter [‘heli ,kÉptә]
Nickneim [‘nikneim]
- Listen to the dialogue.
- Read the dialogue in roles and find out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.
We’ve been for a walk in Central Park.
We’ve climbed the Empire State Building.
We haven’t been to Greenwich Village yet.
We haven’t been to chinatown either.
Have you seen the Statue of Liberty?
We have just had a helicopter tour of the city.
Have you ever heard the nickname of New York?
- 13,p.19 Find the following compound word in the text.
Helicopter—helicopter tour of the city
Nickname—nickname of New York
Broadway—a show on a Broadway
Chinatown—haven’t been to Chinatown either.
- Find the sentences with irregular verbs:
We’ve seen…
Have you seen …
We have just had …
Have you ever heard…
- Find out the questions
Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty?
Have you ever heard the nickname of New York?
- Homework.
Ex.16,p.19 SB (Past Simple—өткен шақ, Present Perfect—осы шақпен байланысты)
Ex.4,p.4 WB
- Conclusion of the lesson