The theme of the lesson — Gardening in England
The theme of the lesson — Gardening in England
T he aims of the lessons- educational:’ to enrich pupils knowledge on the topic –Gardening in England-
To revise active vocabulary of the unit and practise using them in pupils speech
Developing – to develop pupils reading – speaking –writing skills through doing different tasks on the learnt material
Bringing-up to bring up pupils memory –love to the English language through different teaching methods
The form of the lesson- — new lesson
The methods –question –answer , oral , game elements , individual work, group work
The aids –an active , pictures, slides
The procedure of the lesson
1 .Оrganization moment
Good morning-pupils Im glad to see you.Who is on duty today? What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?Who is absent today?
2.Speech drill -a fruit, a vegetable, an apple ,an apricot , an orange, an onion , a garlic , a cucumber ,a cabbage, a carrot ,a potato , a tomato, a tangerine , a pomegranate , a beetroot ,.a banana a pineapple .a water melon lemon.
3.Brainstorming: interviewing- about what fruit vegetables they like 4
4 .Checking up the homework 1.Making up the sentences using the new words exercise 7 writing what omarsfamily was doing on Sunday?
- Puzzle the crossword
1.жүзім- grape
- алма- apple
The theme in our lesson is –Gardening in England , today will speak about Gardening in England and in our country
Answer my questions –
1.Do you have a garden?
2.What fruit –trees have you in the garden?
Do you often work in the garden?
Do you plant trees every year?
Do you enjoy working in the garden?
Do you want to be a gardener?
Is your country famous for its gardens?
What do people usually grow in the gardens ?
What kind of flowers would you like to have in your garden?
Pre –reading task- vocabulary presentation
a gardener
get prizes
Doing of exercise12 , True or False
English people like gardening.
Flower shows and vegetables shows are not popular in England.
At these shows gardeners get prizes.
Looking at flowers or eating vegetables is more important to a lot of gardens than the process of growing plants.
Slide –show – The prize- winning giant vegetables
Group the words into two categories
Apple orange garlic onion water –melon cucumber cherry pine-apple cabbage pome granate
tomato potato banana tangerine
Conclusion- we have come to an end of our lesson .You have worked well- I give you marks. Take your diaries and write down your homework: the proverbs learn by heart
Health – above wealth
Early to bed – and early to rise – make people healthy – wealthy and wise.