Kazakhstan is my motherland

Қарағанды облысы Жезқазған қаласы Кеңгір селосындағы  №2 орта мектебі ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сүттібаева Маржан Абдрахмановна. «Kazakhstan is my motherland» тақырыбына сабақ жоспары флипчартпен. Theme:  Kazakhstan is my motherland Aims:    1. Educational: To consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on    the Unit “Kazakhstan”; to enrich students knowledge in all spheres of country study; to widen their vocabulary through doing different […]

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Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

Date: 5.12.2011 Theme: “Kazakhstan is my Motherland.” The  Objective: 1.students will be  able  to speak   about  geography and  the national symbols of Kazakhstan. 2.to develop  understanding,  logical  thinking and  oral  speech. 3.to bring  up the patriots  of   Kazakhstan,  to able  to protect it. Accessories: computer, Interactive board, flashcards, the state symbol, the map of our Republic, cards, pictures. Inter subject […]

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