Theme: What’s this?

Theme: What’s this?

Aim of the lesson: 1.  Оқушылардың ойлау қабілетін дамыту.

  1.        Оқушылардың  оқу, жазу іскерлік дағдысын дамыту.
  2. Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайтып, сөйлеу дағдысын


Visual aids: book, chalk, blackboard, chart etc.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Preliminaries of the lesson
  2. Phonetic drill
  • Checking the homework
  1. Teaching reading
  2. Teaching speaking
  3. Levels task
  • Home- lesson


I level

1 task. Translate

A pen                            a table                  a calculator

A pencil               a notebook           a eraser

A ruler                 a chair                  a copybook

A rubber              a bag                    a computer

A book                a sharpener          a pencil-case(box)


  1. task. Answer the questions

— What’s this?

  • What?
  • This, Is it a pencil?
  • No, itsn’t. It’s a pen
  • What’s that?
  • It’s a calculator. Now go away.


3task. Continue: What’s this? What’s that?

It is a _____.       It is a ________.           It’s a ________.


II level

1 task. Listen and repeat:

What’s this? Is it a pencil?

No, it isn’t.  It’s a pen.

What’s that? Is it a ______.

No, it isn’t. It’s a _______.

What’s this? Is it a desk?

Yes, it is.


2.task: Complete the diagram

My family tree
What is this? That?








III level

  1. Answer the questions

What’s your name?

Where’re you from?

How are you?

How old are you?

What’s your address?

How do you spell your name?

Where is she/he from?

Which class are you in?

What’s this/that?

Have you got a camera?


2task. Translate.

Brown, green, violet, white, grey, dark, red, pink, orange, yellow, purple, black.


Home-lesson: Learn the dialogue





















Step two                                                    5th form

Theme : Have you got a camera

Aim of the lesson: 1. Оқушылардың оқу, жазу, іскерлік дағдысын дамыту

  1. Оқушылардың ойлау қабілетін дамыту
  2. Оқушылардың екеуара сөйлесу, мәдени қарым-

Қатынасын, тілдік дағдысын қалыптастыру.

Visual aids: book, chalk, blackboard, chart etc.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Preliminaries of the lesson
  2. Phonetic drill
  • Checking the homework
  1. Teaching reading
  2. Teaching speaking
  3. Levels task
  • Home- lesson


I level

1 task. Translate

A camera             a radio                 get

A computer         a television          got

A bike                  a Walkman          to be

A watch               have                     bad


2task. Say the dialogue

  • Hi, Omar
  • Hello, how are you?
  • No bad, thank you.
  • Have you got a camera?
  • Yes, I have. Have you?
  • No, I haven’t can I borrow it?
  • Sure
  • Thank you, Colin
  • You are welcome.

Full form: I have                                       Short form: I’ve

I have not                                                    I haven’t


II level

1Task. Continue the sentences.

Can I borrow your ________(кітап). I have got________ (радио, қол сағат, фотоаппарат). I haven’t got __________ (кітап, сумка, қалам).


2task. Say the numbers

20               31              43               60               90

22               33              45               62               93

25               34              48               70               99

28               36              49               78               100

29               37              50               80

30               40              51               82


III level

1 task. Grammar: “to be”- бөлу

What is her/his name?

What is her/his address?

Where is he/she/you/they  from?

How old is he/she?

Who is Asel? Asel is Bolat’s daughter

Is he from KZ?

Are you from KZ?

He is not from the UK?

P 169-171


2task. Do the sums

20+40=                80-40=                 90-60=

60+20=                40-22=                 100-50=

30+41=                20-10=                 50-25=


Home-lesson: Ex 10 p 50

Your marks

Our lesson is over

Good-bye children!

You may relax!




















Step 3

Theme: How many stamps have you got?

Aim of the lesson: 1. Оқушылардың оқу, жазу, іскерлік дағдысын дамыту

  1. Оқушылардың ойлау қабілетін дамыту
  2. Оқушылардың екеуара сөйлесу, мәдени қарым-

Қатынасын, тілдік дағдысын қалыптастыру.

Visual aids: book, chart, blackboard, chalk etc.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Preliminaries of the lesson
  2. Phonetic drill

III. Checking the homework

  1. Teaching reading
  2. Teaching speaking
  3. Teaching grammar

VII. Levels task

VIII. Home-lesson

I level

1 task. Complete the chart.

Foreign coins       7       11     your friend

Stamps                150   84

Postcards             68     79

Badges                 25     56

Pop star photos   12     x

Modern cars                  x       5

Shells                            9       x


2task. Continue the dialogue

  • How many postcards have you got?
  • About seventy
  • My sister has got nearly a hundred.
  • Has she got any foreign stamps?
  • Yes, she has some
  • How many has she got?
  • About thirty
  • Has she got any shells?
  • No, she hasn’t.


3task. Write plural forms

One apple – 4 apples             One orange – 6 oranges

One bike – 2 bikes                           one watch – 3 watches

One pen – 3 pens                   one box – 2 boxes


A coin        a photo       a calculator          a stamp

A ruler        an orange   a camera              a shell


II level

1 task. Ask the questions.

  1. a) has your sister got any (шетелдік марка) ?
  2. b) Has Colin got any (бейджик)?
  3. c) has Omar got any(монета)?

How many shells got any foreign coins?


2task. Translate

A stamp               a shell                  a coin                   a box

A popstar            an apple               a badge       photo

An orange            a postcard            a model car


III level

1task.         Plural of nouns


S,ss,ch,sh, oe-es


Y + ies


2task. Match the words

Монета                         coin

Камера                         what

Ата                               grandfather

Ана                               mother

Менің                            camera

Қалай                           my


3task. Spell the words

Foreign, stamps, where, Italy, Astana, Marat, calculator


Home-lesson: Write your friends collections.















Step 4

Whose T-shir  is this?

Aim of the lesson: 1. Оқушылардың ойлау қабілетін дамыту;

  1. Оқушылардың оқу, жазу іскерлігін дамыту;
  2. Алған білімін өз игілігіне жұмсауға тәрбиелеу.

Visual aids: book, chart, blackboard, chalk etc.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Preliminaries of the lesson
  2. Phonetic drill

III. Checking the homework

  1. Teaching reading
  2. Teaching speaking
  3. Teaching grammar

VII. Levels task

VIII. Home-lesson

I level

1 task. Translate

Socks          a skirt        a shirt                  a blouse

T-shirt         a sweater   a tie            a jacket

Trainers      an anorak  a cap          shoes

Jeans           trousers     a pullover   a hat


2task. Answer the questions.

Whose T-shirt is this?

It’s mine

Whose jeans are these?

They’re Colins

Is it yours or Carol’s?

It’s not mine, it’s Carol’s


That – those


3task. Read

It’s mine              they’re Asel’s

It’s hers                            Omar’s

It’s yours                         theirs


II level

1Task. Write. Fill in the blanks

This _______ Colin’s T-shirt

These ________ Carol’s roller skates

This is Mr Evans _________.

These are Mrs Evans __________.

These jeans ________ Carol’s ________ are Colin’s.

This pullover isn’t Colin’s ________ is Mr Evans

2task. Listen and repeat

It’s my sweater                                         It’s mine

Your house                                                yours

His T-shirt                                                  his

They’re her jeans                                      They’re hers

Our shoes                                                 ours

Their trainers                                           theirs


III level

1task. Continue the sentences

What is your ….?

Where are you ….?

Which class are you ….?

Whose skirt is ______?

How many stamps ______?

I’m Colin’s ________?


2task. Phonetic exercise

Vowels: a, e, o, I, y, u


The ABC:


3task. Say and write numbers

21               65     32     84

43               96     54     100


Home – lesson:  Learn the dialogue p 53. Review . Grammar Reference

Our lesson is over

Stand up, you may relax.

















Step 5

Theme: What is your mother like?

Aim of the lesson: 1. Оқушылардың оқу, жазу, іскерлік дағдысын дамыту

  1. Оқушылардың ойлау қабілетін дамыту
  2. Оқушылардың екеуара сөйлесу, мәдени қарым-

Қатынасын, тілдік дағдысын қалыптастыру.

Visual aids: book, chart, blackboard, chalk etc.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Preliminaries of the lesson
  2. Phonetic drill

III. Checking the homework

  1. Teaching reading
  2. Teaching speaking
  3. Teaching grammar

VII. Levels task

VIII. Home-lesson

I level

1 task. Translate

Beautiful              tall              thin             nice

Short                   strict           handsome   fat     kind


2task. Right or wrong

  1. a) Asel’s mother’s name is Alma
  2. b) She is tall
  3. c) She is young
  4. d) She is fat
  5. e) She isn’t beautiful
  6. f) She is strict


3task. Answer the questions

1) What’s her name?

2) How old is she?

3) Is she beautiful?

4) Is she fat?

5) Is she kind?

6) Is she tall?

What is your mum like?

She is beautiful


II level

1task. Write opposite of the following words

  1. bad – nice
  2. kind –
  3. fat –
  4. tall –
  5. old –


2task. Read the dialogue and translate p 56 Ex 1

3task. Write about your mother / father/ grandfather/ grandmother/ brother/sister.


III level

1task. Continue

She is very ________(қатал)

She is ____________(әдемі)

She is ____________(мейірімді)

She is ____________(ұзын)

He is _____________(қысқа)

He is______________(толық)

He is _____________(арық)


2task. Ask the questions




3task. Write composition (4-5 sentences) and complete the diagram

My family tree                                          My clothes


Home – lesson: Learn dialogue

Your marks. It’s ringing

You may relax.





















Step 6

Test yourself

Circle the correct answer.

1) What’s this?

  1. a) It’s a chair
  2. b) It’s bad
  3. c) They’re book?

2) Have you got a bike?

  1. a) No, itsn’t
  2. b) No, she hasn’t
  3. c) No, I haven’t


3) Can I borrow your pen?

  1. a) Yes. I can
  2. b) sure
  3. c) yes. You are


4) Whose pen is this?

  1. a) they’re mine
  2. b) It’s Omar’s
  3. c) It isn’t a pen


5) Whose jeans are those?

  1. a) It’s Carol’s
  2. b) They’re nice
  3. c) They’re mine

6) What’s your mum like?

  1. a) she is a teacher
  2. b) She’s beautiful
  3. c) Her name is Alma


7) How many sisters have you got?

  1. a) She has got three sisters
  2. b) My sister has got five pens
  3. c) I have got one sister


8) Are these Colin’s shoes?

  1. a) yes, it is
  2. b) yes, they are shoes
  3. c) yes. They are his

9) How many pens have you got?

10) What’s your mother like?


Home-lesson: Review grammar, ABC, numerals, lexies