Ағылшын тілінен 11 сыныпқа арналған қолданбалы курс бағдарламасы.

Ағылшын тілінен 11 сыныпқа арналған қолданбалы курс  бағдарламасы.

2011- 2012 оқу жылы.

The theme:  English Speaking Countries



LessHourUnits  / StructuresFunctionsVocabularyDate
I quarter
11English Speaking Countries and KazakhstanGiving some comprehensive information about countriesStrategy of rapid development, attraction foreign investments
21Cooperation and relationshipPresentation.

Making composition on the theme.

Cultural connecting link, intensively growing, agreements to be signed
31Geographical Distribution of Turkic peoplesCompare English Speaking Count. with Turk communityConcentration, aboriginal population, distribution
41Foreign Trade and Foreign InvestmentIntroduction of the new materialMaintain trade, export deliveries, external market
51Industrial Development and TechnologyReading for specific information & answering questionsMineral resources, energy complex, hydroelectric etc
61Environmental ProtectionDiscussing the main problems & to do creative worksman-induced, irrigation systems, disposal fields, slime ponds
71Transportation NetworkTalking about modern transport in the worldLongitudinal main routes, pipelines transportation
81Holydays and CelebrationsTalking about important events


Charity, dummy ,to let off fireworks26. 10
91Revision materials2. 11
II quarter
101Cultural Borrowing and LanguagesPresentation about another countries

Comparing cultures & talking about borrowing

Colonization, conquests, historical depth, regard to religion, life stock16. 11
111Famous People and LeadersListening : radio programs, interviews,

Talking about famous people& leaders

Scientific workers, persons engaged in cultural & educational activities23. 11
121CareersSpeaking: talking about photos

Guessing game

Jobs, politeness, writing a letter of application30. 11
131ReligionGiving reasons and examples role plays –everyday situationsDates and periods of history, feelings, verbs of movement7.12





World Music

Stories. Films

Speaking: a short presentation of a topic

Reading: Short story

Giving opinions about films, photo

Creative work

Stories, modifies, film genres, film jargon

21. 12
161Exam zones28. 12
III quarter
171Educational system of the countriesComparing educational system of Eng. Sp-g Count. & Kazak
181Einstein For A DayReading: Biographical and historical background
191A Typical Day at My Ideal SchoolSpeaking: telling future dreams
201The MediaA Discussion about TV, radio programs & listeningThe Media, magazines, the Internet, collocation
211The Power of  FriendshipPreparing for discuss-ion, expressing opinionsArrow, distract, the day began to dawn,
221WritersReading autobiography extract
231Poems. “Burn’s Night”Project work
241At the Library
251AdventureReading non- fiction about expeditionsWord building



IV quarter

271TravelingSpeaking: discussing means of transport, role plays, problemsTravel words
281At the CustomsTravel situation.

Visiting countries

Making dialogue
291Telephone EtiquetteMatching information and dialogues
301Taking a message
311AdvertisingReading magazine adverts, asking for and giving information, interviewingAdvertising expressions, idiomatic expressions
321Planning a tripThe Future  determiners
331Optional lessonProgress test
341 Revision lesson




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