The theme of lesson: Domestic and wild animals

Plan of the lesson of the form

Name of the lesson English

Name of teacher: Oralbaeva Sailaukul Nurpanovna

Week 4 th


Date:  30.01.2015s


Lesson №

Day of  week    Friday

The theme of lesson:

Domestic and wild animals

Org moment

T        S1 –S2 —  S 3



Paper, color pen, pictures words, scissor, glue, vocabulary  etc


Look many passages films about domestic and wild animal

·        Think, speak, make,

·        Answer and talk

·        Work in pair

Speaking (two or three group)

Do you have any pet?

On each group pupils can describe  with text

·        Make up your own album about animals

·        Take a short rest.

·        Vocabulary and pronunciation

who is quickly?



Speak, know, describe make, read pronounce, practice




Self assessment: Themselves




What animal do you like? Why?

Make up dialogue about animal?




School #4 from Daulet






                   An open lesson

       Theme: Domestic and wild animals




Teacher: Oralbayeva Sailaukul Nurpanovna

During seminar teaching with programme of 3 rd basic level


















  1. Many passage of films about domestic and wild animal
  2. Domestic and wild animals
  3. My album about animals
  4. Take a short rest
  5. Vocabulary and pronunciation. Who is quickly?