Tема: “Ecological problems”
Tема: “Ecological problems”
Сабақтың мақсаты: оқушылардың проблемалық сұрақтар жайлы өз беттерінше материалдар іздестіруі, оны жинақтау, жүйелеп әңгімелеуін дағдыландыру және шығармашылық икемділіктерін арттыру.
Дамытушылығы: сабаққа қызығуын, ынтасын, ізденушілігін, белсенділік қабілеттерін сонымен қатар сөздік қорын дамыту, қазіргі техникалардың дамуындағы жылдамдылықпен хабардар ету, қоршаған ортамен үнемі байланыста болу.
Тәрбиелілігі: оқушылардың бойына өз Отанына, оның әсем табиғатына деген
сүйіспеншілікті дамыта отырып , оның шексіз байлығын қастерлеп сақтау ұрпақ
тан- ұрпаққа таза, жақсы қалпында жеткізу міндеті тұрғанын жеткізу.
Сабақ түрі: Жаңа білім алу сабағы
Әдісі: сұрақ-жауап, жеке оқушымен, топпен
Пәнаралық байланыс: қазақ тілі, география, информатика
Көрнекілігі: суреттер, карточкалар,
The motto of the lesson:
«Look after this planet, it’s the only we have» — the appeal of Prince Philip of Britain, the president of the World Wide Fund of Nature.
The course of the lesson:
- Org. moment:
Teacher: Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon our highly respected guests. Before we start our talking to the theme of our lesson
I’d like you to watch video (демонстрируется видеоклип с песней Майкла Джексона).
After watching this music video you can say what the theme of our lesson today. What is it?
Students: Ecology. Ecological problems.
Teacher: Yes. You are right! What do you think we’ll talk about on our lesson?
Students: About ecological situation on our planet, in Kazakhstan, in Satpaev.
Teacher: We’ll try to find the ways of saving our planet, of solving ecological problems.
- Warm up:
Teacher: For discussing you need to know some words to the theme «Ecology». Now let’s check up how you know these words.
Look at the blackboard! It will be the Quiz
- something that kills people or animals if it is swallowed
- not hurt, not in danger, not dangerous
- a place where rubbish is left
- something that is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or in a war
- making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous
Teаcher: Thank you. Now we can see that you know the words well. But I want to check up how you can use it in the sentences. Go to the blackboard and put the necessary word into the sentence.
- The weatherman are speaking about the ….. of water again this summer.
- The country is not able to feed its …..
- Factories pour a lot of ….. into the rivers.
- Industrial waste can …… fish in the seas.
- For the first time ….. were used by the USA in 1945.
- Smoke from factories is making ….. quite bad.
Shortage, population, waste, poison, nuclear weapon, pollution
- Presentation of the new theme
Teacher: Great! Good work! You can use them all. It will help you by discussing our theme. What about ecological problems? Which ecological problems do you know? Let’s brainstorm these problems. Name them, please. Кластер на интерактивной доске:
ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (записываются экологические проблемы на интерактивной доске)
Teacher: Look at the blackboard and read all of them. Maybe I have forgotten some. Add please.
- pollution in its many form (water pollution, air pollution, acid rains, land pollution nuclear pollution)
- disappearing animals
- destruction of the wildlife and beauty of countryside
- shortage of natural resources
- depletion of the Ozone Layers
- global warming (greenhouse effect)
- the growth of population
Teacher: There are so many environmental problems on our planet and we can’t discuss all of them. It’s impossible to do. But will speak today about the global ecological problems: air pollution and water pollution.
I divide you into two groups. (деление учащихся на 2 группы)
Come here and take one card with the word, then find your members of the group. (ученикам предлагаются карточки со словами вода и воздух) The group water will speak about water pollution and another – about air pollution. Please give your advice for solving this problem. (выступления учащихся по теме
- Presentation of the Video material:
We’ll continue. Let’s watch some video and try to understand what ecological problem
Of course we know about these problems and we want to help our planet to survive. In the world there are many different organizations for protection of the environment. One of the biggest is Greenpeace. We have here the member who can tell us about this organization. Listen to her please!
(рассказ о Гринписе, вручение эмблемы)
{We exist to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future.
In pursuing our mission, we have no permanent allies or enemies. We promote open, informed debate about society’s environmental choices. We use research, lobbying, and quiet diplomacy to pursue our goals, as well as high-profile, non-violent conflict to raise the level and quality of public debate.
An we believe that the struggle to preserve the future of our planet is not about us. It’s about you. Greenpeace speaks for 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and encourages many millions more than that to take action every day.
We take the name of our flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, from a North American Cree Indian legend. It described a time when humanity’s greed has made the Earth sick. At that time, a tribe of people known as the Warriors of the Rainbow would rise up to defend her.
As one of the longest banners we’ve ever made summed things up, «When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can’t eat money…
Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by:
Catalysing an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet: climate change.
Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global network of marine reserves.
Protecting the world’s ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them.
Working for disarmament and peace by tackling the causes of conflict and calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today’s products and manufacturing.
Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by rejecting genetically engineered organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging socially responsible farming.
Greenpeace is present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific.
To maintain its independence, Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants.
Greenpeace has been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into Amchitka, an area north of Alaska where the US Government was conducting underground nuclear tests. This tradition of ‘bearing witness’ in a non-violent manner continues today, and our ships are an important part of all our campaign work.}
We are the members of Greenpeace! My congratulation! We’ll protect our planet, nature, and environment. Let’s begin from our native town – Satpaev!
Your home task was to make project about ecological situation in Satpaev. We have two groups. Please the first group begins!
- The end of the lesson:
Today we’ve tried to discuss the main ecological problems, to find out the ways of solving them. If we think globally and act locally, I’m sure we’ll survive! Our lesson is practically over! At the end of my lesson I want you to make a list of DON’T and DOS (учащиеся берут карточки и вывешивают на ватман).
It is good to live on beautiful planet with clean and fresh air and water! I know that some feelings can help us to save our planet. Take the card with feeling and put it on our Earth!
Hometask: Your home task is to make speech from the Earth to people.
Reflexion: Cards with table of the periods of lessons. Оценки.
“To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself
- I agree with this statement “to hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself” because the Earth is our home. Everything is connected. When we pollute air and water we spoil the things we use because we breath this air and drink this water. If the balance in nature is destroyed we will die too.
Lesson | Very good | OK | Boring |
1 .Presentation of the new theme. Earth Song. | |||
2.Warm up. Quiz with Caitlin | |||
3. Work at the Interactive board | |||
4. Speaking about air and water pollution | |||
5. The game «The mice» | |||
6. Speech of the member from «Greenpeace» | |||
7. Video materials “Aral sea”, “Nuclear fallout” | |||
8. Making a list of DON’T and DO, put the feelings on the world
| |||
9. The lesson | |||
10. The theme «Ecology» |