Сабақтың тақырыбы: Kazakhstan. It’s geography


Сабақтың тақырыбы:Kazakhstan. It’s geography
Сілтеме:Т.Аяпова «English» 7 қосымша English 8 Т.Кузнецова
Жалпы мақсат: Сын тұрғысынан ойлай отырып, оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде Қазақстан жөнінде, географиялық жағдайы туралы сөздік қорлары молаяды.
Оқыту нәтижесі:Топтық жұмысқа үйренеді, өз бетімен жұмыс жасауға дағдыланады.
Түйінді идея: Оқушылар өзін-өзі реттейді, оқуға бейімделеді.
УақытОқыту формасыРесурсы Мұғалімнің әрекеті Оқушының әрекеті
2 минgreetingTeacher greets the children and introduces with the aims of the lesson and rules:

1.  Be active!

2.  Be patriotic!

3.  Be friendly and tolerant

4.  Help each other

5.  Talk English all the time!

Pupils greet the teacher



They repeat the English rules

4 минgroupingA3 poster, markers, pieces of mosaics, hats of three colours. Teacher gives the marking paper.








Teacher shows the pieces of papers. We’ll make three groupsEach pupil takes a piece of paper and makes a group. Pupils introduces with the names of their group, wear hats and chooses the leader of the group

I group – “Mountains” (brown hats)

II group – Rivers (blue hats)

III group – Trees (green hats)



3 минgroupingVideo about KazakhstanWarning-up question:

1)  What have you seen in the film?

2)  What country do you live?

3)  Were you born in Kazakhstan?

4)  What part of the capital of Kazakhstan?

Groups answer the questions.


6 минA3 papers, coloured pencilsAll of you were born in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is our motherland. What words do you associate with “Motherland”Group make associations and share opinions.

Kazakhstan      parents           our home


friendship                                    country



Native land       Family          Peace

2 минgroupingText “ Kazakhstan” new words


New words:

Population – халық саны

State – мемлекет

Border- шекаралас болу

Area –аумак

Climate – климат

Agriculture – ауыл шаруашылығы


Group repeat the words after the teacher, then read the text.


6 минgroupingComprehension checkTeacher divides the text into 3 paragraphs.

What is the main idea of the text?

Each pupil of the group reads the text.

The leaders of the group give an information about paragraph.

5 минGrammar task

A3 paper

I. Write 3 forms of the verbs.

II. Find adjectives, give it comparative and superlative forms.

III.    Work with the map name 14 oblasts and large cities.

Pupils of the group answer the questions.


4 минMarking of the best pupil “Baiterek’s” pictureWho was the best pupil today?

What do you think?

What is it?

Each pupil writers on the sticker the best pupil’s name and comments.





4 минgroupingClouds speak (slide) questionsI group:







Pupils of the group answer the questions.
 II group:                                                                   III group:









2 минgroupingPhysical trainingTeacher asks to sing a songPupils sing a song.
3 минgroupingInsert strategy 

Pupils fill in the chart.
3 минgroupingMarking of the pupils.Teacher gives marking paperThe leader of the group gives marks for the group.
1 минConclusionThank you for you fruitful work. I would like to unite all our abilities and possibilities to continue our country’s way to success. Thank you for your attention. Goodbye, pupils, see you!Goodbye teacher!