Some and any + nouns
Theme: Some and any + nouns
Aim: consolidation of grammar
Objectives: 1) to practise some, any in statements and questions;
2) to develop pupils’ skills in speaking and listening
3) to bring up the feeling of love towards the foreign language
Methods: pair work, group work, game
Form: traditional
Visual aids: CD-ROM, pictures
The procedure of the lesson:
- Organization moment.
Greeting. Declaration of the objectives of the lesson.
- Warm-up
Listen and sing.
The sun wakes up, The sun goes down,
Yes, the sun wakes up. Yes, the sun goes down.
The sun smiles, The moon comes up,
Yes, the sun smiles. Yes, the moon comes up.
The wind blows, The night lies still,
Yes, the wind blows. Yes, the night lies still.
The rain falls down, Then the sun wakes up,
Yes, the rain falls down. Yes, the sun wakes up,
- Play the drawing game.
Write the word food on the board in large letters. Ask a child to think of a food and come up and draw it on the board. While s/he is drawing, the rest of the class tries to guess what it is. Is it an ice cream? Is it bread? How many words for food does the class already know?
- Revising the cardinal numbers.
Fill in the gaps.
Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
- Checking homework. Ex.3 p. 49
Speaking (Ask and answer)
Children ask and answer questions about the prices of the food, as in the examples.
How much is ice cream? It’s forty-two pence.
How much are oranges? They’re fifty-one pence.
- Revising “some” and “any”
Some is used in positive statements `(Yes, there is / are some…) and that any is used in negative statements (No, there isn’t / aren’t any…) and, usually, in questions Is / Are there any …?
Use some of the food cards you have made. Ask questions like this: Are there any apples ? Is there any bread? Children answer: Yes, there are some apples, or No, there isn’t any bread.
- Pair work.
Click the correct answers.
Shopping list
eggs fish
peas sugar
bread butter
milk biscuits
potatoes cheese
Is there any fish on the shopping list? Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are.
No, there aren’t.
Are there any eggs on the shopping list? Yes, there are.
Are there any strawberries on the shopping list? No, there aren’t.
Is there any milk on the shopping list? Yes, there is.
Are there any biscuits on the shopping list? Yes, there are.
Is there any bread on the shopping list? Yes, there is.
Are there any tomatoes on the shopping list? No, there aren’t.
- 8. A game (Spelling)
Give the children a card each and ask them to write two words for food on it.
Divide the class into teams.
— A child from one team asks the other team to spell a word on his or her card, e.g. Spell apple.
— The other team tries to spell the word with a child saying a, the next child p, and so on.
— Score one point for each correct word.
PB Page 51
- Grammar (Look at this!)
Put the cards you have made for the food in the grammar gang lorry. Put the grammar gang on the blackboard to hold the cards.
Put on the lorry the words some, any, is, are and write the example sentence beginnings yourself. Point out the rules for some and any, and the singular and plural.
Children come up, draw out food cards and put them above the sentence beginnings.
- Speaking (Ask and answer)
Children look at Jill and Emma, pretending to shop. Children read the dialogue.
Children write out a short shopping list. They then take turns asking and answering, as in the example.
- WB Page 54
Words and pictures (Look, draw and write)
Children decide which foods take the singular verb, is and which take are and draw pictures in the correct basket.
Children write the words in the blanks.
Reading (Read and draw lines)
Children read a question on the left and draw a line to the answer on the right.
Home task: Ex.2 p.56 (Look and write. Which one is different?)