The theme: ‘The leader of the XXI century’
The theme: ‘The leader of the XXI century’
The type: competition.
The aims:
- to develop the children`s pronunciation in English;
- to develop their thinking, speaking.
- to check their knowledge.
The aids: an interactive board, papers, pens, the numbers.
— Dear teachers and spectators! Welcome to our competition that calls ‘The leader of the XXI century’! Let me introduce to you our players.
- Zhaksylykov Abzal
- Koshkinova Sabina
- Suinbayeva Indira
- Kulbosh Kamila
- Bekbergenov Kairat
- Keldibekov Zhanakhmet
Our competition consists of 5 stages.
The 1-st stage is: ‘Baiga’
The 2-d stage is: ‘Polyglot’
The 3-d stage is: ‘I`m fond of Math’
The 4-th stage is: ‘Kokpar’
The 5-th stage is: ‘Orator’
And we have dear jury that will marks our players. Let me introduce them to you.
Tankayev Amanbai Abituly – the teacher of Maths:
Mukhanbetova Aigul – the teacher of Russian;
Baimurzayeva Balnur – the teacher of English.
Players! Are you ready for this competition? Then let`s begin!
The 1-st stage – ‘Baiga’. I`ll give you some words that you studied at the last lessons. You must translate them into English.
- сурет салу – to draw
- секіру – to jump
- гүл – a flower
- шоколад – a chocolade
- іш ауруы – a stomachache
- салқын тию – a cold
- тыңдау – to listen
- қызылша ауруы — measles
- апельсин шырыны – an orange juice
- ойнау – to play
So, the 1-st stage is over.
The 2-d stage, which calls ‘Poliglot’. I`ll say you some Kazakh proverbs, you must find the missed words and translate into Russian and Kazakh languages.
- Өнерлі өрге … . /жүзер//жүзу – плавать – to swim/
- Алты ұл туған …
«Ханым» десе болады. /ананы/ /ана – мама – a mother/
- … – балаға сыншы. /ата/ /ата – дедушка — grandfather/
- … көпті жау алмайды,
Ақылы көпті дау алмайды. /досы/ /дос – друг – a friend/
- Елгезек … айтқызбайды. /екі/ /екі – два — two/
- Ананың … – бал,
Баланың тілі – бал. /сүті/ /сүт – молоко — milk/
- Жақсы … мен күндей,
Әлемге бірдей. /ай/ /ай – луна – a moon/
- Жолдасы көптің, қолдасы … . /көп/ /көп – много – many /
- Батыр туса – ел ырысы,
… жауса – жер ырысы. /жаңбыр//жаңбыр – дождь — rain /
- Сабыр түбі — … алтын. /сары//сары – желтый — yellow/
So, the 2-nd stage is over. 2 players who got less balls must leave our competition.
The 3-d stage : ‘I`m fond of Maths’. I`ll give you some tasks for Maths.
- five + seven = twelve
- fifteen + two = seventeen
- twenty one + four = twenty five
- six + seven = thirteen
- three + nineteen = twenty three
- fifteen + fifteen = thirty
- eight + nine = seventeen
- zero + twelve = twelve
- two + seventeen = nineteen
- sixty + fourty = one hundred
The 3-d stage is over.
So, the 4-th stage, that calls ‘Kokpar’. The task is for you: to put the sentences in the right order.
Are you ready, players? Let`s begin.
- Yes, I can.
- Can you swim?
- Then let`s go to the swimming pool!
- Yes, I have.
- What`s his name?
- Have you got a friend?
- Hello, Asem!
- I`m fine, thanks. And you?
- Hello, Mike! How are you?
- Can I take it?
- Where is your book?
- It`s there.
- I went to the theatre. Did you see me?
- Yes, I saw you.
- Where did you go yesterday?
By our rule 2 players, who got less aces must leave our competition.
The last control stage is ‘Orator’. The theme ‘About my family’ You must write a short topic about it. I`ll give you 3 minutes.
Well, The high mark will be 10 ——