There is a house in the wood,wood,wood. Bugs fly,fly,fly and saw the house.

Song “We’re big , fat bugs”

1st  bug: What a nice house!

2nd bug: It’s not small!It’s not big!

(Есікті қағады).Who is there?

Nobody!We can live in it!


Mouse:What a nice house!Who lives in?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs and who are you?

Mouse:I’m a little  Mouse.My name is Mightty Mouse!

Bugs:What can you do?

Mouse:I do morning exercises.

Head,shoulders, knees and toes,

Eyes,ears,mouth and nose!

Bugs:Good!Come in!Let’s live together!


Frog: What a nice house! Who lives in?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs!

Mouse:I’m a grey Mouse. I live in the house and who are you?

Frog: I’m a green Frog.My name is Kwa!

Bugs and Mouse:What can you do?

Frog: I can jump and sing a song!

Ән айтады: « Clap your hands! »

Bugs and Mouse: Good!Come in!Let’s live together!


Dog:  What a nice house! Who lives in?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs!

Mouse:I’m a Mouse!

Frog: I’m a  Frog. I live in the house and who are you?

Dog: I’m a Dog! My name is Jack!

My coat is white, my nose is black!

Bugs ,Mouse and Frog: What can you do?

Dog:I can dance! («Собачий вальс» биін билейді)

Bugs ,Mouse and Frog: Good!Come in!Let’s live together!


Fox: Ламбада әнімен кіреді. What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs!


Mouse:I’m a  Mouse!

Frog: I’m a  Frog.

Dog:I’m a dog. I live in the house and who are you?

Fox:I’m a Fox!I’m very pretty!

Bugs ,Mouse,Frog and Dog: What can you do?

Fox:I like flowers! Тақпақты оқиды:

I like flowers  that are bright!

I like flowers  that are white!

I like flowers  that are blue,

Red and yellow too!

Bugs ,Mouse, Frog  and Dog: Good!Come in!Let’s live together!


Hare: Полькамен секіріп келеді. What a nice house! Who lives in?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs!

Mouse:I’m a little  Mouse!

Frog: I’m a  Frog.

Dog:I’m a dog.

Fox:I’m a Fox!I live in the house and who are you?

Hare: I’m a Hare! My name is Willy!I can count! (20 дейін санайды).

Bugs ,Mouse,Frog, Dog and Fox:Good!Come in! Let’s live together!


Two cocks with umbrellas: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs!

Mouse:I’m a Mouse!

Frog: I’m a Frog.

Dog:I’m a dog.

Fox:I’m a Fox!

Hare: I’m a Hare! I live in the house and who are you?

Two cocks: We’re two  cocks.We’re two brothers !

“Umbrella” әнін айтады

Bugs ,Mouse,Frog, Dog,Fox and Hare: Good!Come in!Let’s live together!


Bear: What a nice house!Who lives in the house?

Bugs: We’re big,red,fat bugs!

Mouse:I’m a Mouse!

Frog: I’m a Frog.

Dog:I’m a dog.

Fox:I’m a Fox!

Hare: I’m a Hare!



Two cocks:We’re two brothers! We live in the house and who are you?

Bear: I’m a Bear!I’m lazy!I like to eat apples!

Тақпақты оқиды:

Apples,apples 1-2-3!

Apple for you! Apple for me!

Apples are sour, apples are sweet!

Apples, apples are nice to eat!

Bugs ,Mouse,Frog, Dog,Fox,Hare and Two cocks: Good!Come in!Let’s live together!

Bear: Come on,friends!Let’s dance!


Барлық жануарлар шығып ән айтады:

 «Dance with me!»