Тақырып: Test
Сабақ: Step 5 b Date_________________
Тақырып: Test
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
- Оқушылардың “Having Friends”, “Present Perfect Continuous Tense” тақырыптары бойынша білім, білік, жағдыларын тексеру
- Еске сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
- Өздік жұмыс істеге тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: Unit I, Steps 1-5 бойынша білік, білім, дағдыларын қалыптастыру және тексеру
Сабақ түрі: Білім тексеру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
- Organization moment.
Good morning dear children. Sit down, please. I hope you are OK and I’m glad to meet you at our lesson
- Test.
- Write about youself and your friend about 10-15 sentences.
- Choose the right preposition: for, since, with, on, in, X
He cares ____ his dog and cat.
We rely ____ our parents.
She believes ___ her friend.
And I trust _______ my friend all my secrets.
They have been writing letters ______ morning.
My father has been driving his car _____ 20 years.
I have been to Almaty _____ month.
He has been to Almaty ____ September.
- Read the sentences and complete them.
My friend ____ ____ _____ (laugh) since the morning.
He ____ _____ _____ (learn) English for 10 years.
How long ____ _____ _____ (live) in Astana? (Dmitry)
Since when _____ _____ _____ _____(work) at the factory? (you)
How long ___ ____ _____ _____ (wait) for your friend?
- for, on, in, X, since, for, for, since.
- has been laufging,
has been learning
has Dmitry been living
have you been working
have you been waiting
Total: 28 balls.
0-14—“2” 19-22—“4”
15-18—“3” 23-28—“5”
III. Conclusion of the lesson.
Unit I
The 7th form
- Write about youself and your friend about 10-15 sentences.
- Choose the right preposition: for, since, with, on, in, X
He cares ____ his dog and cat.
We rely ____ our parents.
She believes ___ her friend.
And I trust _______ my friend all my secrets.
They have been writing letters ______ morning.
My father has been driving his car _____ 20 years.
I have been to Almaty _____ month.
He has been to Almaty ____ September.
- Read the sentences and complete them.
My friend ____ ____ _____ (laugh) since the morning.
He ____ _____ _____ (learn) English for 10 years.
How long ____ _____ _____ (live) in Astana? (Dmitry)
Since when _____ _____ _____ _____(work) at the factory? (you)
How long ___ ____ _____ _____ (wait) for your friend?