Сабақтың тақырыбы: Біз не білеміз?

Сабақтың тақырыбы:   Біз не білеміз?

Сабақтың түрі: Сайыс сабақ

Сабақтың тәсілі: «Брейнг ринг» ойынына ұқсас

Сынып:  5 «б»

Күні:    11.02.2014

Сабақтың мақсаты:

  1. Оқушылардың алған білімдерін шыңдау,ойын, карточка, тест, интерактивті тақтада жұмыс істеу арқылы білімдерін тексеру,сөздік бірліктерді қайталау.
  2. Сөздік қорды, диалогтық сөйлеуді, еске сақтауды, жазуды, оқуды,ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту.
  3. Бір-бірін сыйлауға, тілге деген құрметке баулу.

Көрнекіліктер: интерактивті тақта, карточка,суреттер, жапсырмалар.


Сабақтың барысы:

I Organization  moment   (greeting, marking  absenties)

II Speech drill    (to revise the rhyme about seasons)

Spring is  green

Summer is  bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is  white

III The basic  part of the lesson

(pupils divided  into two groups and named their team)

1 pupil will be as a secretary

  1. Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Today we will revise all the themes which we learned in 1 and 2 vocation. Be careful with answers and please be polite to each other.Let’s start! Here the 1st round
  2. Play  «Find  the   rhythm»   (lexical revision)

(children  try to find  the rhythm to some words which are on the blackboard)


1st team                                                2nd team

fat            father                                      man            niece

care           same                                     take            like

mother       cat                                         mike           can

came         fair                                         nephew       shake


  1. Play «Put the letter» (checking up spelling)

Each team put the missing letter

1st  team

co…sin, mot…er, en…ine…r, …rite, dau…ht..r, r…ad.

2nd team

s…ake, fat…er, n…ne, w…ite, dec…m…er, re…d.


  1. Play «Antonyms» (each team find the antonyms )

1st team                                                   2nd team

Black     write                               black               write

Son        niece                               son                niece

Nephew    daughter                       nephew           daughter

Read          white                           read                white


  1. Play «Strange word» (children try to find the unnecessary   word)

1st team                                             2nd team

Teacher                                             winter

School                                               pencil

Pen                                                    snow

Doctor                                               January


  1. Play  «Duty letter»  (children write many words to exact  letter)

1st team

The letter   A


2nd team

The letter   D

  1. g) Auding

(teacher turn on the active board 2 times and pupils write what do they understand)


      h)Play  «What time is it now?»   (writing the time)

             1st team

14.10, 15.45,10.20, 16.50, 17.30


             2nd team

8.00,12.45, 14.55. 20.30. 15.15


  1. Play «Colours» (each team write the sentences using this words)

           1st team



           2nd team



  1. j) Play «Keys»

There are  letters and  numbers (pupils write 5 words using numbers and the second  team find this word) for  example: – cousin


1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d,5e,6f,7.g,8h,9i,10 j,11k,12 l, 13 m,14 n,15o,16 p, 17 q,18r, 19s, 20t, 21 u, 22 v,23 w, 24 x,25 y,26z


  1. k) Work with picture

Teacher gives some pictures proffesions (find the names, and describe)


  1. l) Play «Letters»

Teacher  says any word  and children  say the first letter  of this letter

  1. m) Play «Numbers»

Teacher   says numbers and children cross out them

  1. n) Play «Five words» (to write  more  words for t heme)

1st team relatives

2nd team seasons


 IV  Conclusion

V   Home task