The Earth is in Danger

Date: Form:  8Name: English
Theme of the lesson:The Earth is in Danger


ReferenceEnglish 8 th Kuznesova, internet materials


AimsTo introduce pupils with the problems of earth and learn speak about them.
Results of teaching   They introduce with the problems of earth and learn speak about them.
Methods of teaching Training «Greeting», «Let`s think together!» (work in groups), «Work with a text» (work  in groups),«Help the Earth!» (work individually), «Talk to your neighbor» (work in pairs), «True or False?» (work individually).
Visual aidsPower point presentation, video, posters, A3 papers, markers, pictures, stickers, traffic lights, string for clothes.


Атырау қаласы

 № 18 Н.К.Крупская атындағы орта мектебінің

 ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

 Каршагина Гүлмира Сайынқызы


Procedure of the lesson

Stages of lessonTimeTeacher`s activity       Pupils activity








2 min



Good morning, pupils!

How are you? How your moods?


Ok. Let`s begin our lesson. Stand up altogether and stand in a circle for the training. Our training is called «Greeting». You do this exercise with your parts of the body. Number 1- with hands, number 2 – with legs, 3 – with head. Let`s begin.

Good morning, teacher!

They say their own feelings.


Pupils stand in a circle and greet with their neighbors by their parts of the body.




Divide in groups


2 minThanks. Now pupils answer on my question please: Do you like sweet? Ok. Please take your sweet, open and read them, now you must sit in groups by similar number. I`ll give you postcards by your chosen numbers.

1.What is the common name of your pictures? (animals and plants)

2. Read the words and speak common name.(peoples)

3. Find the name of the picture and spell each letters of this word.


They take sweets, open them and sit in groups by similar numbers.

They do the tasks which in the sweets.

Brainstorming1 minThat`s right! How do you think what is the common name of your chosen tasks? Earth. Let`s watch this video and say what is the name of our lesson?Pupils watch a video and find the name of the lesson.
«Let`s think together!»






10 min






You`re right! Open your books, copybooks and write down. Our new theme: «The Earth is in danger». For the first let`s watch a video about earth problems. Do you understand this video? We saw the earth problems. Let`s work in groups, make a mind map about earth problems. Our first method is named «Let`s think together!».  Are you ready? Please, hang your mind map on the wall. Pupils, let`s travel on a gallery walk with all groups.They watch a video and know earth problems.

They make a mind map about earth problems and hang on the wall.

They travel on a gallery and watch other group’s mind maps and take smiles by their speaking.

«Work with a text»



7  min


 Let`s read the text in groups. This method is named «Work with a text».  Read the text once again. I`ll give you a picture of “fishbone”.  After reading the text, you fill   in the information: the problem of the text, the facts and their causes, the text conclusion.They read the text in groups.

Every group receives a picture of “fishbone”. They must fill   in the information: the problem of the text, the facts and their causes, the text conclusion.

They take smiles by their speaking.


«Help the Earth!»


6 min Let`s repeat our grammar about modal verb «Should». Let`s watch video about grammar. Listen to attentively. There are a lot of things you should do and there are a lot of things you shouldn`t do. There are 2 kinds of banks with 2 kinds of smiles. You must put the words in the right column. This method is named «Help the Earth!».


 Should              Shouldn`t

They listen new grammar.


They must put words on the right order.


They take smiles by their speaking.



«Talk to your neighbor»5 minWork in pairs and answer to questions. The next method is named «Talk to your neighbor». Please, choose one of the questions and answer to them in pairs.

1. Do you believe that our earth is in danger?

2. Do you agree that our nature is dangerously polluted?

3. Do you like Earth?

4. Do you think our planet needs protection?

5. Do you water plants?

6. Do you like animals?

7. Do you help to our earth?

8. Do you like our planet?

Pupils work in pairs and answer to questions.


1 pupil read the question, 2nd pupil answer them.


They take smiles by their speaking.


«True or False?»5 minOur last method is named «True or False?». Work individually and find true and false sentences.

1. Many things such as lands, mountains, forests, rivers, seas, blue and cloudy sky are on the Earth.

2.Water isn’t a source of  life on the Earth

3. There is little clean and drinkable water in many rivers, lakes.

4. People cut tress, set on fire forests and make rivers, lakes dirty.

5.The Earth isn’t in danger

(1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-F)


They work individually and find true and false sentences.
Conclusion2 minOur methods, tasks are over. Look at the blackboard and string your words on a «String for clothes». Please write words which belong to our theme.


They write words which belong to the new theme.


Assessment3 minOur tasks are over. Show your smiles by all methods. Pupils show their smiles and know their marks.


«5» excellent
«4» good
«3» satisfactory


2 minOk. Look at the blackboard. Pupils take a different smiles and tick in a color of traffic lights.




Home task: write a short essay


Our lesson is over! Good – bye, pupils!