Theme of the lesson: Scotland

Form: 8

Book: New opportunities, level pre-intermediate,

            by M. Harris, D. Mower, A. Sikorzynska.

Date: 27.01.2010

Theme of the lesson: Scotland

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: to teach to read tourist information to check predictions and for specific facts, to talk about preferences, to listen to and understand the song Auld Lang Syne.
  2. Developing: to develop reading, listening and listening skills
  3. Bringing-up: to bring up to be polite.

The Type of the lesson: traditional lesson.

Visual aids: Interactive board, books, cassette recorder, cards.


The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment
  2. Warm up
  • Checking home task
  1. New lesson
  2. Reading
  3. Doing Exercises
  • Listening
  • Home task
  1. Conclusion



Organization moment:  — Good afternoon, boys and girls!

  • Good afternoon, dear teacher!
  • How are you?
  • We are fine, thank you! And you?
  • I’m fine thanks.

After greeting I’ll give them cards with questions, for e.g.:

-What is the weather like today?

-What is the date today?

-What is the day of the week today?

-Is it sunny today?

-Is it snowy today?

-Who is on duty today?

-What was the home task?






Warm up:  Exercise 1 page 46

  • Before starting the exercise, asking students what they already know about Scotland (e.g. the country, the people, famous places and events).
  • In pairs, students do the exercise. Telling them to look at the photos but not read the texts, as they try to answer the questions.


Checking home task: The home task was to make a presentation about UK.  Pupils will show their presentation.



New lesson. Background

Scottish poet Robert Burns started work as a farmer but he was not successful. He decided to immigrate to Jamaica and wrote a book of  poems to pay for his journey. However, the poems were very successful so he decided to stay and travel around Scotland, collecting and adding to traditional poems and songs. Burns found a very old, anonymous poem and added some verses. It is a song about old friends remembering their past friendship and looking forward to the future together and became the world famous Auld Lang Syne. Burns died at the age of thirty-seven.



















 Exercise 2 p.46

  • Students work in four groups, reading through the texts quickly to find the answers to Ex 1.
  • When checking answers, ask students which section of the texts contains the answer.


1 Edinburgh 2 with bagpipes, dancing, fireworks, singing and ‘first footing’ 3 haggis [hægis] 4 There is an official festival, a ‘Fringe’ festival and a Military Tattoo.

5 a traditional Scottish musical instrument; b visiting the houses of friends and relations soon after midnight on January 1st; c the traditional Scottish skirt worn by men and women; d throwing a Large tree trunk (the caber [‘ke:bә]) as far as possible


Doing Exercises: Exercise 3 page 46

Are these sentences true of false? Correct the false information. (I’ll write these sentences on the cards)


Answers: 1 F (It is part of the United Kingdom), 2 T, 3 F (The Romans did not conquer Scotland), 4 F (“First footing” happens soon after midnight.), 5 T, 6 F (Haggis contains liver.), 7 F (They are summer games.) 8 F (There are a lot of other activities at the festival, not just classical music.)








Song Auld long Syne Exercise 1 p 47

  • Students read through the text quickly to find out what Language Robert Burns wrote in (Scottish English).
  • After checking the answer, asking students what sort of poems Robert Burns collected (traditional poems) and what Auld Lang Syne means (‘old Long ago’ or ‘times gone by’).


Exercise 2 p 47

  • Before students start the exercise, asking them to read the first line of the song and guess what acquaintance means (people you have met and know fairly well but not your close friends).
  • Students work in pairs, matching the lines of the song and the translations.

Answers 1b 2e 3a 4d



Home task: exercise 4 page 46. Which Scottish celebrations would these people probably prefer?

Conclusion Giving marks, saying good buy