The immortal poets of the world literature

The immortal poets of  the  world literature

 Aim  :       to introduce students  with  biography  and creation  of great  poets     Abai  and


to develop  students`  abilities  in   speaking and  to enlarge  their   knowledge

to bring   up the feelings of   respect to culture of other     countries   and to  cherish their

own  the cultural  heritage .

Equipment:  photos of   Abai  Kunanbaev and   of  William   Shakespeare,  quotations,  books,  posters,  interactive board.

The  procedure  :

Teacher:  Dear guests,  teachers and  students!  You  are  welcome to our party  which is called   “  The immortal  poets of world literature “.  It is dedicated  to great  Kazakh poet  Abai Kunanbaev  and   well known  English  poet   William  Shakespeare.    We  hope  you will enjoy  it.  And   now  I want to  invite  my  students  Umit and  Talgat.  They will   conduct  our party.

  1. Knowing a foreign language gives us a chance to exchange information with people from other  countries. Naturally we want to know as much as possible about each other.
  2. There is no man who doesn`t know the  names of Abai and Shakespeare.  They have left a large heritage  after  themselves.  They  are immortal poets  in world  literature. Every people cherish  their culture and their famous  poets.

1:  During the party we`ll  be introduced  with the biographies and   creations  of Abai and Shakespeare.  The students of 10th forms   will recite the  poems of  great  Abai   and sonnets  of Shakespeare, will song  Abai`s  songs.

2: Now   we invite you to listen to some facts of   William  Shakespeare`s biography and time when  he lived and worked .

Pupil  1.   . On April 23, 1964, the 445th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birthday was celebrated around the world. More has been written about the greatest English dramatist and poet that about any other writer. And yet many facts of his life are unknown to us.

Pupil  2.  William Shakespeare was born or about April 23, 1564,in the town of Stratford-on-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in wool and other farm products. He was a respected figure in Stratford. William’s mother, Mary Arden, was the daughter of a rich farmer in the village of   Wilmcote.

Pupil   3.  In 1582, when little more than eighteen, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway , a farmer’s daughter, who was eight years older than himself. In 1583 Susanna, their first child, was born and then twins, Hamlet and Judith, followed in 1585. It is presumed that later that year Shakespeare left for London.

Pupil  4.      In  1567 Shakespeare went to work to London, where he began writing plays  staged at the  Globe Theatre. He was also an actor,  which helped him greatly in the writing of his plays. His knowledge of the stage, and his poetical genius made his plays the most remarkable ever written.

Pupil    5.   William  Shakespeare  died on the 23rd` of April in 1616, exactly 52 years after the supposed day of his birth. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument  was erected to the memory of the great play right   on  Westminster Abbey.

Pupil    6.    Shakespeare wrote   all in all 2 long poems : “ Venus  and Adonis”   and  “ Lucrece”,  154 sonnets and 37 plays.  His famous comedies:  “ The comedy of Errors”,  “ The twelth Night”, “ The merry Wives of Windsor” and other.

Famous tragedies :  “ Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”,  “ Othello”, “ King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “ Anthony  and Cleopatra”.

Pupil  7.  Shakespeare`s sonnets occupy a unique place in his literary legacy. There were the great tragedies, written during the second period of Shakespeare`s creative work, which became the peak of the author`s achievement and made him truly immortal. Shakespeare`s  works   were admired by  the greatest minds of the world.


1:  We   thank our pupils.  We want to mention  Shakespeare`s  works  once again.

(  On the interactive board are written )

2:   And now pupils of 10th  Form will recite an extract from Shakespeare`s famous tragedy “ Hamlet”.


 An extract from  play  “Hamlet”.

     To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether`tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous


Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?  — to die?  To sleep,

No more;  and by a sleep, to say we end —

The heart ache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh in heir to – tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish`d. To die; -to sleep; —  to sleep!


“ Гамлет”  трагедиясынан   үзінді.

Өлмек  пе,  қалмақ  па – ендігі  сауал  екі ұдай.

өмір , өлім – арпалыс. Татар дәмім

таусылды  деп  бас ием  бе  тағдырға,

әлде  мынау  қасіреттің   селімен

жан  шыққанша  жағаласып,  бұлардың

бітірем бе істерін?  Өлмек.    Ұмыт болмақ

Үзіп  тастап ой –арманның  арқауын,

Тәнге  тәуел  азап- сордан  арылмақ.

Осы емес  пе  бір тілек?   Түгесілу.

Ұмыт  болып  ұйықтамақ  та, түс көрмек.

Міне жауап.




  1. Let`s listen to sonnets #  40,44 .they will be recited by  pupils of 10th   Form



  Sonnets .       40

Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all;

What hast thou than more than thou hadst before?

No lover, my love, the thou mayst true love call;

All mines were thin before thou hadst this more.

Then if for my love thou my love  receivest,

I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest;

But yet be blamed if thou thyself deceivest.

I go forgive the robbery, gentle thief,

Although thou steal three all my poverty;

And yet, love  knows, it is a greater grief

To bear love’s wrong that hate’s known injury.

Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,

Kill me with spites, yet we must not be foes.



Пайда тауып жарытпассың, сен алған

Махабаттан тартсам-дағы мен шығын.

Адамзаттың ақыл мүлкі саналған

Сол махаббат онсыз да өз меншігін.

Мендегі ынтық бар екен деп сенде де,

Досым, сені жазғырмаймын сол үшін

Жалғыз ғана айыбың бар; пендеде

Менің махабатымның сен сорысың.

Қайыршыны түйіншексіз қалдырдың,

Сонда да мен ұрлығыңды кешірдім.

Махаббаттың дерті бізді талдырды,

Жеңіл одан ашық жауы кесірдің.

Қастығыңа өшікпеген жан- тәнім,

Өлтірсең де,жауым болма,жарқыным!







If the dull substance of my flesh were thought

Injurious  distance should not stop my way

For then despite of space I would be brought

From limits far remote where thou dost stay

No matter then although my foot did stand

Upon the farthest earth removed from thee

For nimble thought can jump  both sea and land

As soon as think the place where he would be

But ah! Thought kills me that I am not thought

To leap large lenghths of miles when thou art gone

But that so much of earth and water wrought

I must attend time`s  leisure with my moan

Receiving nought by elements so slow

But heavy tears, budges of either`s woe.



Бар  болмысым ой-қиялдан жаралса,

Тағдырды мен бастан аттап өтер ем.

Алыс, қиын болмас еді жол онша,

Дереу саған жеңіл самғап жетер ем.

Алыс елдің қандайынан ұшсам да,

Заулар едім бәрін артта қалдырып;

Мұхиттардан асар едім, құстан да

Ұшқыр арман желіне шөл қандырып.

Жан пәрменім- жанған от пен рухтан

Бірақ, тәнге жазмышта жоқ пәрменсу.

Қиял қуып, аса алмаймын бұйрықтан –

Менің денем қосындысы – жер мен су.

Жер топырақ  — мәңгі төсек тозбасым,

Су тасқыны  — сордан ащы көз жасым.







1: “ To be , or not to be, that is the question”. This quotation is known to everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting expressions from Shakespeare`s plays. Let`s  read them.


  1. The beginning of the end.
  2. All is well that ends well.
  3. Life is not all cakes.
  4. Brevity is the soul of wit.
  5. much ado about nothing.


2 : There are a lot of famous quotations and interesting expressions left by great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbaev.  First of all we would like to mention these  words of great German poet J. Goethe about Abai: “  He is beautiful and great in his  eternal  yearning the truth” .

1: Everyone knows about Аbai`s life and creations. Let`s listen to our participiants.  They will introduce some facts about poet.

Pupil 1.  The  great Kazakh  poet  was born in 1845 into the nomadic clan  of Tobykty  in the Chinghis Mountains in East   Kazakhstan Region. His real name was Ibraghim. His father Kunanbai was a stern and willful steppe ruler, was an elder of the Tobykty clan. Abai`s mother Ulzhan was a wonderful woman. Ulzhan loved him best of all her children and affectionately  called him Abai, which means “ thoughtful, circumspect”, instead of Ibraghim  — the name given the boy by his father.  And  Abai he remained for the rest of his life.

Pupil  2.   Abai is the great poet, a composer, philosoph, translator  and thinker.

He began writing poetry while still at the madrasah. He was able to cite poems

and akyns whose aitysses he always made a point of attending.

Pupil 3.  Abai is a translator. He translated some of Goethe`s and Byron`s poetry into Kazakh from Lermontov`s Russian  translations. Abai`s translations were a considerable contribution to the  development of Kazakh  literature. He loved Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Saltykov- Shchedrin  and Tolstoi. Then he started translating Krylov, Pushkin and Lermontov into Kazakh.

Pupil 4.  Abai is a composer. Having excellent knowledge and understanding of Kazakh folk music, Abai composed several melodies for those of his  verses: akyns, composers and singers came from all over Kazakhstan to see him and learn from him. He composed  about 20 melodies. His melodies greatly differed from the traditional folk  music both in style and content. Abai`s songs  “ Желсіз түнде жарық ай”, “ Сегіз аяқ” and so on.


Pupil 5.


Look deep into your soul and ponder  on my words:

To you I am a puzzle  , my person and my verse

My life has been a struggle, a thousand foes I braved.  Don`t  judge me too severely for  you the way I paved.


Жүрегіңнің түбіне терең бойла,

Мен бір жұмбақ адаммын, оны да ойла.

Соқтықпалы , соқпақсыз жерде өстім,

Мыңмен  жалғыз алыстым, кінә қойма.



Abai addressed these lines to the generations to come. To his milieu he was a puzzle. But  to us he is very clearly  the luminary of Kazakh poetry.  The glory of Abai, the real founder oif modern Kazakh cultured and the greatest Kazakh classical poet, shall never die.


2: let`s listen to our students .


Pupil 1.

I don`t write poems for amusement

And not to gather together tales and fables

I write to give an example to the young

Whose hearts are sensitive and tongues flexible

These words are available not to the thick-skulled but to the seekers.

Who have a reasonable heart and a clear mind.



Мен жазбаймын өлеңді ермек ұшін

Жоқ барды , ертеіні  термек  үшін

Көкірегі сезімді, тілі орамды

Жаздым үлгі жастарға бермек үшін.

Бұл сөзді тасыр ұқпас, талапты ұғар

Көңілінің  көзі ашық, сергегі үшін.





Pupil  2.


Oh my luckless Kazakh

An unkempt moustache hides your mouth and shin,

Blood on right cheek, fat on your left.

When will the dawn of your reason begin?

Your looks are not bad, your number is vast.

Yet why do you change your favours so fast?

You will never listen to sound advice

Your tongue in its rashness is unsurpassed.


Pupil 3

Қалың елім, қазағым, қайран жұртым,   Ұстарасыз аузыңа түсті мұртың,

Жақсы мен жаманды айырмады

Бірі қан, бірі май боп енді екі ұртың,

Бет бергенде шырайым сондай жақсы, Қайдан ғана бұзылды сартша сыртың

Өзімдікі дей алмай өз малыңды,

Күндіз күлкің бұзылды, түнде ұйқың,






”The tick of a clock”.

The tick of the clock is not something slight The sounds mark  fleeting fractions of day

Each minute transient life in full flight.

That never returns when once passed away  The ticking of clock unheeded still shows.

The count of our days and seconds exciting wished.

Time is not constant, it changes and flows The past in its march cast off and distinguished.


Сағаттың шықылдағы емес ермек,    Нөлінше өмір өтпек – ол білдірмек.

Бір минут бір кісінің өміріне ұқсас,

Өтті, өлді тағдыр жоқ қайта келмек,

Сағаттың өзі ұры шықылдаған,

Өмірді білдірмеген, күнде ұрлаған

Тиянақ жоқ, тұрлау жоқ, келді кетті

Қайта айналмас, бұрылмас бұлдыр заман.




Pupil  4

Құлақтан кіріп бойды алар,

Жақсы ән мен тәтті күй.

Көңілге түрлі ой салар ,

Әнді сүйсен менше сүй.

Дүние ойдан шығады,

Өзімді өзім ұмытып.

Көңілім әнді ұғады,

Жүрегім бойды жылытып.



Intruding on the ear,the wonderful song,

And the sweet melody captured the soul

Various thought wafted

If you love the song, love it like I do

Everything is born from  thought

I  forget irretrierably

The soul   is  penetrated by the song

And the heart warms the body


Pupil 9.


Don`t believe the flatters when they sing our praises

People are perfidious – they lie for nothing

Only your work and intelligence

Protect you from a false opinion of yourself.

Don`t test yourself by being too trust worthy

Don`t get entangled going after fame

It`s not worthy of you, in the heat of deception

To chase after a mirage.

If grief comes, resist, don`t give up!

If you comes, don`t be overjoyful

You must simply look deeper into the heart

You will find there the true treasure —  don`t lose it.



Pupil  10.

Сенбе жұртқа, тұрса да қанша мақтап

Әуре етеді  ішіне қулық сақтап

Өзіңе сен,өзінді алып шығар

Еңбегін мен ақылың екі жақтап

Өзіңді сенгіштікпен әуре етпе

Құмартып боп мақтанды қуып кетпе

Жұртпен бірге өзіңді қоса  алдасып

Салпылдап сағым қуған бойыңа еп пе?

Қайғы келсе қарсы тұр, құлай берме

Қызық келсе, қызықпа, оңғанға ерме

Жүрегіне сүңгі де, түбін көзде

Сонан тапқан – шын асыл, тастай көрме,




1:  As you know Abai was a composer. He composed   20 melodies. His  melodies greatly differed  from the traditional folk  music both in  style and content.  Let`s  sing  the song     “In the silent , luminous  night” .The pupils  of the 7th` Form    sing  the  song  in English  and  students  of the  10th`  Form  sing  in Kazakh.

  1. Dear guests, our  party has come to the end. A lot of thanks for your attention.

1:  We thank all students for participation.  Good-bye!